Please join us for a delicious evening with stories about the international food culture and the art of cooking at our next book club meeting on July 6th. The intercultural reading at Bonn’s  Central Library is free of charge and everyone is warmly welcome!
We want to read and share mouthwatering moments of literary gastranomy from around the world. What’s your favorite food poem, cook book, cooking show or recipe – and the story behind it? Do you remember food moments in fiction or movies that got your belly growling?
Please send us your suggestions (via Facebook or in a comment below) by June 23. We’d like to read the texts in the original language, if possible, with German or English translation.
After the reading we’re planning a picnic at the Hofgarten, if the weather cooperates. (Please bring your own food & beverages).
As a teaser or “amuse gueule” watch the trailer of “Julia  & Julia”, a movie inspired by legendary author and television “French chef” Julia Child who adapted the Cuisine française for everyday Americans with her ground-breaking cookbook “Mastering the Art of  French  Cooking”.  Bon appetit!
A vegetarian viewer discretion is advised for the following “The Chicken Sisters” Episode.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozRK7VXQl-k&w=560&h=315]
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8prY-yHYoE&w=420&h=315]


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